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The Wit of Hymag
Hymag is an art and wellness magazine published in the digital flipbook format every month. It’s...
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What's Hustle Yellow?
Hustle Yellow is an art studio of indie artist Nickil Snow. It works in the areas of visual arts, performing...
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The Happening of AFM
Art-Flow Movement is a platform for local artists, writers, musicians, filmmakers and art studios to...
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Our Little Infinities
A war quite unlike the expected. A mirror shattered, three hands cut. Grief cradled and nurtured, with...
The Flowering of Prakriti Ecoplay
Bhargavi Vardhan’s Prakriti Ecoplay is an alternative learning centre for kids which works with practical...
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The Paradise of Mango Plains
Vamsi Chokka’s Mango Plains is a 40+ acre mango farm practicing natural farming methods to yield the...

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Submissions and subscriptions to Hymag will open soon.